:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Topic: Boards :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: A lot of information conveyed between wizards and players alike is done on boards. You may find many examples of these boards in town, as well as scattered throughout the realms. The following is a list of the functions available with boards. The available commands to this board are: (Player Commands) read read first unread message (if any) read # read a note specifically by # note [title] post a new note on the board reply # reply to a note by note # followup # reply to a note and include the text catchup # set all messages read up to the specified note mailto # who send the specified note to 'who' remove # remove the specified note showunread lists only those messages that haven't been read showby who shows messages written by 'who'@ (Wizard-Only or Maintainer-Only Commands) @hicyan:store # where store a note in a file in your home directory storemsg # where identical to the store command lock # lock a note so it won't be purged unlock # unlock a note (wizards only) purge [#] Purge the board, leaving the first # notes You may use standard mud ansi when composing your notes. To use ansi, you must surround text with the appropriate ansi code. All other words will be in normal non-ansi color (eg: non-bold white letters on black background). Mud ansi codes are written as follows: \@yellow:This text will be yellow\@ \@hicyan:This text will be in highlighted cyan\@ In other words, between a pair of \@ signs, you must specify the color, add a colon, and the text you wish to be that color. In order to actually print a \@ to the screen in the middle of an ansi code, you must use a \\@. If your text isn't inside an ansi code, you can just write \@ as normal. To print \\@, you have to write \\\@, and so on. Please read 'help ansi' and use the command 'ansi colors' to give you a list of viable color names. See also: ansiClose Window