:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Topic: Vote for 3K :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: We've registered at the topmudsites website and now need your help to confirm that 3K is the best mud on the face of the planet. It's your chance to get lots of people to visit 3K and realize what you've known all along, that nobody can beat 3K Here's the link. Once you go there, you then need to click and enter the site and you're done. www.topmudsites.com/cgi-bin/topmuds/rankem.cgi?id=3kmud Put this link into your favorites and click not more often than every 12 hours (any more often than 12 hours aren't counted). Every vote counts so take a couple seconds each day and click 3K to coolness The only way to get #1 is with your constant help, so visit every 12 hours and make it known that 3K is the best mud anywhere! Also, feel free to write a review if you'd like to tell more people about all the good things we have to offer. Tell your friends, wake the neighbors. Thanks!Close Window