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Michigan Renaissance Festival!
Aug 17-Sep 29
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You can purchase VAFs (voluntary access fees) for either game, 3Kingdoms or 3Scapes,
using the security and convenience of Square or PayPal payment processing below.
Why would you do this? Read the bottom of the page, but first...
- VAF credits are purchasable in different packages where $1=1 VAF credit
- VAF credits will be applied in-game within 24 hours, but usually much sooner than that
- All VAF credits applied to a player (i.e. a human being) are fully accessible by all of that player's legal characters for that game (3Kingdoms or 3Scapes)
- VAF credits are not interchangeable between the games (3Kingdoms and 3Sscapes)
- VAF credits never expire
- Purchases of VAF credits are not tax-deductible
- Payments will appear on statements as TMG/The Marble Group Inc. (or something like that)
- For any questions, inside the games, "mail VAFS" for support (yes, VAFS is in caps)
 Trusted Partner
Click HERE to visit our secure Square storefront & quickly purchase your VAF credits
Be sure to select the correct game for which you are purchasing credits (3Kingdoms or 3Scapes)
and then 'mail VAFS' (in caps) inside the game the transaction ID(s) so that we may properly hook up your credits!
To use our PayPal option...
Be sure to select the correct game for which you are purchasing credits (3Kingdoms or 3Scapes)
and remember to enter your character's name (it can be any of your chars) so that we may properly hook up your credits!
So why VAF? (it's a verb too)...
The Marble Group Inc.
is a privately held, Michigan-based company that owns and operates
3Kingdoms, 3Scapes and all related entities. Its primary purpose is the health,
promotion and well being of those entities. This results in persistent,
online adventure games that are world-leaders in depth, description and
overall richness of play. Beyond this, they are also free for anyone to enjoy.
That being the case, we all know these kinds of things still take money to run, so the ability
to allow anyone to play for free comes
in the form of voluntary access fees (VAFs) from our players.
Nobody is required to pay a VAF to play our games (hence the 'voluntary'
part), but without them to take care of operating costs, the games can't exist
to be played, so you can do the math. We rely on the generosity of the
player community, players like you, to keep the adventure running for the
good of everyone. It's kind of
like PBS, but with monsters.
As a bonus for VAFs contributed, players are afforded a number of choice
rewards they can apply to their characters, a tiny sample of which are
listed below. There are MANY, MANY more to choose from inside the games.
Reselectable Enhancements
- Remove one scar
- Reset your current alignment to true neutral
- Fully untrain one skill
- Three usages to unbind something from yourself
- Three usages to teleport to Center of Town
- Free stat reset (no experience cost)
- Immediate, penalty-free removal from your guild
- Character restore from a previous copy
- Multi-guild one of your characters
- View real-time combat damage numbers
- and many more...
Permanent Enhancements
- Triple-length afk message
- +25 max aliases (max of 4 enhancements)
- Earmuffs level 1 (740)
- Quadruple-sized tell history (64 tells)
- Custom title description (up to 80 chars)
- Colorized ansi title (must have 'title' first)
- Ability to toggle visibility on the who list
- Remote board reader/writer
- and many more...
All that being written, you also might want to know what ultimately happens to your VAFs.
Below is a rough breakdown of how much of each VAF dollar gets used in the pursuit
of our goal of keeping our games reliable, vibrant and exceptional.
- 25¢ ISP hosting and other related costs
- 25¢ Hardware/software upgrades and maintenance
- 20¢ Taxes, legal & accounting fees, governmental costs
- 20¢ Operational overhead, savings, charity
- 10¢ World domination initiative