[980] |
| Adalius can't believe it either.
[930] |
| Thor
[770] |
| Frank
[580] |
| Mimic has an unhealthy obsession trying to code
[145] |
| The Vagrant Kingdom of fe dar Shad (chaotic neutral)
[144] |
| -=SA=- Javelin the apex predator (chaotic)
[143] |
| Al (saintly) VERY HAPPY Killergate the time elemental (pure) The Almighty Nightrider The Pirate (saintly) ═ ★ ═ Sally DelVillar, the Khan, Commander of the Clans. (evil)
[142] |
| [ Cable ] :=*=: Guru the Venerable Shepherd, Deign of Sleep (XXI) :=*=: -=BoT=- Liskerlol :: Director of Clones [::^::] Marlon Hqqk, the Shared (good) Silence Deign Murmandamus says "Hello, darkness, my old friend..." (good) IT - Run from Uq Xy, the Shared (saintly)
[141] |
| Honey Badger Supreme Arch-Mage of the Platinum Star (evil) Ender (good) U//FOUO Gaidin the elephant {accustomed} (very good) Nightbreed the Hallowed Deign of Blood (XIX) (immoral) Monster Hunter Order Mystic Visionary of the Platinum Star (very good) Spaz the PEW cannon. (stinky) MarlonsAwesome Zanadu the Hallowed Elder, Deign of Blood (XIX) (good)
[140] |
| Death favors Atreyu the Ancient Deign of Shadow (XVIII) (very good) -=SA=- Kichi the Qizarate God-Emperor of Dune and the Imperium (satanic) Knox can hear your Southern Drawl a thousand miles away... (very good) Spice Guzzling Megalith the Qizarate God-Emperor of Dune and the Imperium (pure) Zamza the Jedi (satanic) Zoidberg the Hallowed Elder, Deign of Blood (XIX)
[139] |
| Grot DelVillar, the Clan Ghost Bear Juggernaut. (good) Mieos Lahanos, the Preserver of the Empire (saintly) FILTHY Volt Amp'ere, the Preserver of the Empire (very good)
[138] |
| Jelly (very good) Licklick the Jedi Lord (neutral) -=SA=- Saurmac Snuka, the Loremaster, Interpreter of Clan Ghost Bear. (Ninja)
[137] |
| Fun killer of Everybody the Psicorps Sergeant Major (saintly) Falthrice the Prominent Keeper of the Dead (III) (mean) A'Genzai'Doru Hsima Khe'lai Pure One (Fin Gen) (malicious) Joao the mortal Don of the Syndicate (righteous) {CrAzY} Untouchable Mystic Visionary of the Tyrian Vines (InSaNe)
[136] |
| Mud the Advocate of Music (righteous) Trisky the Clan Wolf Juggernaut. (demonic)
[135] |
| ... Adreno the tiny toaster {transcendental} (evil) I'm a Six point Seven Mystic Visionary of the Platinum Star (pure)
[134] |
| Bill Brasky taught me how to love a woman, and how to scold a child (good) Dokken weak and powerless (good) Eoin the ugly hairy wandering spider {immaculate} (very good) Raises a Hullabaloo Mystic Visionary of the Flaming Palm (demonic) [Armoured] Michael is gonna grind knight more now. (pure) Mocking Mpd Thinks "Love" 3K is a Joke (pure) Nirrti the Acclaimed Master Bladesinger (mean)
[133] |
| Funny Walks Minister Insert Vektwaad, the Preserver of the Empire (angelic) Karen the deadly Lady of hellfire (58) (neutral) Lord Jugger Teerex Snuka, the SaKhan, Commander of Clan Jade Falcon. (nice) FILTHY Treznor the Master of the Higher Bardic Mysteries (evil)
[132] |
| CHARRED Ficial the Psicorps First Lieutenant (immoral) Awed Havi the Jedi (evil) Lena the Knight who says Wheeeeeeee! {sparkling} (good) Shenanigans is the restaurant with the goofy crap on the wall (farva) (saintly)
[131] |
| It's Arx the gargantuan chromatic ant {transcendental} (corrupt)
[130] |
| Genzai'Dor Spekkio Ste'lai Outcast of the Demoidian Mines (Va Gen) (nice)
[124] |
| Balthus Blutash Blastuh (immoral)
[111] |
| Maximon the White Hand-Servant (moral)
[77] |
| Mister Lazarian the Jedi (moral)
[71] |
| Ganyx Arch-Mage of the Platinum Star (nice)
[66] |
| Tarsi the Jensaarai Apprentice (righteous)
[58] |
| Blaf the fat green asp caterpillar {fierce} (malicious)
[46] |
| Kirke superior mage of the Flaming Palm (moral)
[28] |
| Faye the ant {powerful} (immoral)
[15] |
| Harland the experienced worker of the dark arts (10) (neutral)
This list is updated every 5 minutes.