[980] |
| Adalius has internet that is NOT stable 60% of the time, Turnhold works every time.
[930] |
| Thor
[770] |
| Frank
[580] |
| Mimic has an unhealthy obsession with trying to code things
[144] |
| -=SA=- Javelin the apex predator (chaotic)
[143] |
| Al the Unplugged (saintly) Olorin the Jedi (sinister)
[142] |
| (Pr3CoG-n8) [ Cable ] The Dark Star of an Ancient Galaxy (beyond) Glazed Jamon, the Shared (righteous) Hyperion (angelic) The Almighty Nightrider The Pirate (saintly)
[140] |
| Ender Supreme Arch-Mage of the Black Pearl (very good) :=*=: Guru the Ancient Shepherd, Deign of Frost (XX) :=*=: Insomniac Waterhouse Mystic Visionary of the Platinum Star (very good) Burning Zachitnik the ant {transcendental} (righteous) Zum the deadly Lord of earthly existence (53) (pure)
[139] |
| Keep Din Fed! (pure)
[138] |
| Mieos Lahanos, the Preserver of the Empire (saintly) Order Mystic Visionary of the Platinum Star (pure)
[136] |
| Everybody the Blademaster (pure) Zoidberg has the morals of an alley cat.
[135] |
| SOAKED Joao the mortal Don of the Syndicate (righteous) IDDQD Martyr :: Guardian of Beyond the Beyond [|*|] (demonic) Sky (corrupt) Turd Ferguson (good)
[134] |
| Farty Frustrated the White is one with Galan (angelic)
[132] |
| Set us up the Krom (righteous) [Armoured] Michael the Jensaarai Apprentice (immoral)
[131] |
| Awed Havi the Jedi (corrupt) Valdemar superior Arch-Mage of the Platinum Star (immoral)
[130] |
| Minerva the Clan Wolf Juggernaut. (very good)
[125] |
| Chidori Ukyo the Edge Case (luminous)
[111] |
| Odor :: Leader of the Underground [Despoiler] (righteous)
[102] |
| Nirrti the Bladesinger (mean)
[86] |
| Mifflin Dunder the Clan Wolf Juggernaut. (immoral)
[52] |
| Drifter the Deft Dagger of the Darkness (malicious)
[51] |
| Donovan the lumbering mound of earth (pure)
[41] |
| Cptsd the Clan Wolf Juggernaut. (neutral)
[25] |
| Mimictest the learned Initiate of Bardic Mysteries (malicious)
[15] |
| Chief the Novice (neutral)
This list is updated every 5 minutes.